Learn more! Simply like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. I regularly post a random symbol and its meaning!

   Why does Harry Potter live at number four Privet Drive? Why does Gandalf the Grey become Gandalf the White? Why do both the White Witch and the White Walkers reside in the north? More importantly, what does the storytelling of J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and George R.R. Martin have in common and how did these authors created such powerful tales and characters? The answer: all of them integrate symbols and archetypes into their stories, transforming them from formulaic tales into epic, mythological adventures.

   In my symbolism workshops, I teach writers and artists how to enhance their work through an archaic form of communication described by Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell and Mircea Eliade. I present detailed information on ancient, rudimentary symbols and explain how to use these archetypes as well as primordial images and cultural references to craft setting, character and theme, re-creating the same emotive powers found in mythology and theology and establishing an unconscious connection that affects the reader or spectator from deep within.

   I am a regular presenter at local, national and international conferences across the nation including the Romance Writers of America, the National Dance Education Organization and the IDEA Health and Fitness Association. If you see me, stop and say hello!


If you are interested in hearing me speak, have a question about symbolism, or if you just want to gab about writing, please feel free to email me at contact@sarahshade.com!

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